Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

MOSS GRAFFITI, Graffiti Art is Made of Moss

graffiti or graffiti that uses moss, also called eco-or green graffiti graffiti, replacing spray paint, paint, markers or other paints that use toxic chemicals.
Not only is the interior designer, architecture and botanist who want state of the earth again as usual. Graphic designer and graffiti lovers also had its share of his work donated to support the creation of the environment Eco Designer Environmental Care.
No spray, no painting, no smoke no CFC gases. Graffiti this time it really is very concerned with the environment. There is no additional CFC warehouse that a contributor to the growing ozone hole, there is no excessive use of paint. No more pain to spread.

Anna Garforth

Anna Garforth berkerjasama dengan dengan Elly Stevens membentuk El & Abe.El & Abe menciptakan sebuah karya seni dengan konsep berkelanjutan atau sustainable. Proyek kolaborasi pertama mereka disebut dengan MOSSenger

Edina Tokodi
Edina Tokodi adalah seniman dari Williamsburg, Brooklyn.Ia berpendapat bahwa kepedulian manusia dengan alam berkurang. Penduduk kota sering tidak memiliki hubungan dengan hewan atau tanaman .Sebagai seorang seniman ia mempunyai tugas untuk menarik perhatian kekurangan dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari.


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